Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Tick-tock, Tick-frickin'-tock

"By labor we can find food and water, but all of our labor will not find for us another hour." - Kenneth Patton

"Time drops down an unseen thread
Generated from a baby's first breath
It dissipates too quickly into a hole
We don't quite know how to
get into."
- "The White Rabbit", yours truly

As far as concepts go, who can really explain what time is? People in different pockets of time who would never have the chance to meet share the same questions: is time eternal? Do the past, present and future each have their own pockets of history and destinies, or do they occur simultaneously? How can we keep up with its endless-yet-moves-too-quickly paradox?

For me, time is just another example of how it is the intangible that has the most power over us. You see time passing in the form of day and night, the spin of the earth on its axis, the changing of seasons. Time - like prayers, art, seasons, the universe, Love - is a gift.

It's funny, though, how time is so there - time is and has always been so present in our lives that we never really think about what it means, only how to use it.

God blesses us in so many ways to think, but we just use, use, use.

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